Two Years and Counting

Wow, I’ve been blogging for two years as of tomorrow. Two on WordPress, and one cross-posting from That also means that I’ve been part of my local community for three years. What a ride it has been. Honest poly Continue reading Two Years and Counting


30 Posts in 3 Days, or Why am I doing the 30 Days of Kink meme?

The Everest Answer: Because it’s there. The Ego-maniacal Answer: Because I can. The Inner Child Answer: Because it’s fun. The Social Networking Answer: Because a few others are doing it. The Google Analytics Answer: Because more posts = more traffic. Continue reading 30 Posts in 3 Days, or Why am I doing the 30 Days of Kink meme?


Writing, Patience and Happiness

I failed at the writing an extra post to make up for last week’s non-kinky post. I spend at least forty-five minutes every day, writing for him because I promised myself I would. Because I was having trouble communicating, and Continue reading Writing, Patience and Happiness


Introverted Social Networking

Blogging, writing, screaming to be noticed – silently. Watching the numbers on the stats graph rise and fall, seeing them fall more often than rise. What am I doing this for? Who and I doing this for? Why? Every Thursday Continue reading Introverted Social Networking


Sexy Numbers

Forty posts and four hundred tags. I like those numbers, nice and round. I couldn’t think of anything to post earlier today because I didn’t want to change those numbers. They looked nice and comforting to me. It’s the end Continue reading Sexy Numbers


Coming Out

As the daughter and sister of ministers, you can imagine that being kinky and poly doesn’t come up at family dinners very often. I wonder what it would be like to be truly me. To be open and honest with the world. I’m considering letting more people know about the blog, it wouldn’t remain anonymous in anything but name if I did. Continue reading Coming Out
