Sexy Numbers

Forty posts and four hundred tags. I like those numbers, nice and round. I couldn’t think of anything to post earlier today because I didn’t want to change those numbers. They looked nice and comforting to me. It’s the end Continue reading Sexy Numbers


Clear and Honest Communication

I’ve posted about Saying No and I’ve posted about how talking helps me out of Sub Drop, but communication is important in other ways, too. Clear, honest communication. It starts with being clear and honest with myself. That may sound Continue reading Clear and Honest Communication


Journey to Submission, Part 1

She knelt on the bearskin rug on the hearth, hands on her thighs, hair falling down around her lowered face. The fire crackled and popped, casting an orange glow over her pale skin. He stood with his hand on the Continue reading Journey to Submission, Part 1


It’s a Crying Shame

Some months ago, I wanted to cry and I was ashamed of that desire. Not just cry, I wanted to be Made to cry. I wanted to be pushed so hard that tears came bursting forth in and uncontrollable fury. Continue reading It’s a Crying Shame


20 Hard Limits

I was asked recently what I would not offer freely. This got me to thinking about my limits. I had not explored them seriously in quite some time. Just random comments of, “no red,” or “you know that’s a hard Continue reading 20 Hard Limits


Why Practice Isn’t Enough

I go to Practice every week, for the crew I’m on. We practice our craft for the weekend shows. We go to reconnect with each other, to talk and play and share together. We go to teach the newer members, Continue reading Why Practice Isn’t Enough
