I Need You, Baby
I told Hubby last night, that I can do all the things I do because I know, no matter what, I have him to come home to, forever. Once upon a time, when we were dating, he called me his Continue reading I Need You, Baby
I told Hubby last night, that I can do all the things I do because I know, no matter what, I have him to come home to, forever. Once upon a time, when we were dating, he called me his Continue reading I Need You, Baby
I posted to the blog my mother reads today, listing what these past thirty years have gotten me. One of the listings was “A wonderful husband.” I had the urge to continue that line with “and two amazing boyfriends.” That Continue reading 30th Birthday Ruminations
A flash of lightning and a crash of thunder. The storm broke and rain began pounding on the roof. She turned to him and grabbed his hand, the look in her eyes something between arousal and pleading. He smiled down Continue reading Inspired by the Storm
Last night was an wonderful scene. It started out as teaching a new person about how we flog. He dragged me up from kneeling by the hair and asked if this piece of meat would do. She agreed and I Continue reading Joy in Pain
A short post today. It’s been a busy week and I have more things still to do. What turns me on? I’ve posted about my fantasies. I’ve posted about my kinks. But what really turns me on? The simple things. Continue reading Turn Ons
In college, there were times when I was in love with not-yet-Husband, and dating other men. He first proposed to me while engaged to someone else. I did not say no, not until I met her, anyway. When he proposed Continue reading Polyamory Today
He was the first one in the community to invite us into his home, into his dungeon. He hosted my first kinky birthday party. He was the first one to use a violet wand on me. He was warm and Continue reading Rest In Peace
My current hard limit around public sex is no intercourse with more than two other people present. I don’t do orgies. I don’t do penetrative play at parties. I don’t have sex with an audience. For me, this is about Continue reading Hard Limit – Sex in Public
Public Humiliation – I knelt on his boot, surrounded. They talked of friendship and history and alcohol. Or they were, before I landed on his boot. I could not really hear them, after. He ground it into me, a stern Continue reading Scattered Thoughts
Last week’s post marked one year exactly, of this blog being published. It also was the first post directly posted here. A lot has happened in a year, and I am working on pulling all my blog entries, journal entries, Continue reading One Year Ago