Shadow and Light

I saw two things this week that triggered my Imp brain. One was a meme quote, that claimed Ryan Elliot as source, but I can find no proof of that with Google. His lyrics are not easily findable this evening. At any rate: “You never know who you are until your shadow meets the light.” With a shiny fairy meeting a shadowy dragon.

The second was a book title in Publishers Weekly. Existential Kink: Unmask Your Shadow and Embrace Your Power which, upon reading the book summary, was more disappointing than one might expect from such a title.

So, two things about bringing light to the dark inside ourselves. I have recently written some fucked up shit with angels and demons that has had me pausing to go back and justify, to myself. I paused that writing, too.

As though I couldn’t just write some fucked up things for their own sake. I had to “have a good reason,” a “good and meaningful plot.” If I want to show it to other people, well, then maybe, but not necessarily. And I do want to show people, I am a blogger/writer after all. I made this blog to share my strange, messed up journey with the world.

I shared my TBT drawings, even though I didn’t think them perfect. I didn’t obsess over those because I’m learning to draw. I’ve come to expect my writing, at least of fiction, to be perfectly formed. To feel insecurity instead of pride when I compose. As though I am not still learning that craft, too, forever.

My brain just shouted at me. It’s porn! I get annoyed at porn without a plot. I don’t want to add to the slush pile of plotless porn. But that doesn’t mean what I’ve written is bad or wrong. And I shouldn’t be afriad of the darkness coming into the light. Especially in fiction. Fiction is meant to be fun, a release, a joy. Whether dark or light or both.

This is me, embracing my kinky power to bring my shadow into the light.
