Playing With The Imp

I swear, a lot
Stingy things make me swear a lot more

I’m very sarcastic
Sleep dep/exhaustion/late nights make me lose whatever filter I may have
I’m always tired

If I say no, it may not mean never
Likely, I’ll be the one to ask for whatever I turned down before
If I say yes, I mean it

Soft limits are negotiatable after I get to know you
Some Hard/Soft limits change based on how well I know you
Always Hard limits: things that end with hospitals, police, and morgues

I enjoy the phrase Beat the Fuck out of me
Because eventually, I’ll stop swearing and simply make noises
But I’ll answer with words if asked a question
I’ll also scream, groan, growl, purr, whimper, squeak, squeal, and cry.
And that’s okay.

While you hurt me, I’ll likely refer to you as Sir/Miss/Ma’am, unless otherwise specified, especially if you ask me a yes or no question.

My trained reaction to throat grabbing, is to lift my chin and freeze
Despite the mild panic this induces

I enjoy being teased about my fetishes and turn-ons
I don’t mind being used as a footstool, and enjoy bootlicking as part of bootblacking.
But generally, degradation-style humiliation scening doesn’t work for me.
On words/concepts to never use in scenes with me: useless, worthless, incompetent, stupid

My preferred mental type play is Fear
Loud noises make me twitch/jump, Nearly every time
Some things are soft limits because they scare me/are loud, so I have to trust you first

I’m not fragile, just broken in places
My arms both bend differently from each other and from how you might expect
My kneeling ability and jaw closing/opening fluctuate on the daily
Everything crackles, even my shoulder blades

I have thin, dry skin that scrapes easy
Bruises last a long time on me
I’m allergic to Neosporin, but not the active ingredient

If I’m not dating you, PiV sex in not on the table
