Best Laid Plans
And these weren’t even well laid plans, more like hastily cobbled excitement. I’m still waiting on my vendor’s license from the state of Ohio, and still fighting with PDF files for that matter(thank you toy), so my projected release date Continue reading Best Laid Plans
Gratitude Days 30 & 31
Well, I didn’t make the post every day, but at the end of this post, I’ll have posted 155 things I’m grateful for this month. I am grateful for: 1) A friend’s husband being back in the states 2) A Continue reading Gratitude Days 30 & 31
Weekend Gratitude: Days 28 & 29
I am grateful for: 1) Early release from work on slow days 2) Fleece blankets 3) Hugs & Kisses 4) Ticklish people who giggle at the Violet Wand 5) Ice water 6) Lazy Sundays 7) A better week to come Continue reading Weekend Gratitude: Days 28 & 29
Gratitude Day 27
Rant Ranty Rant
It has been a rough few weeks. Relationship and communication issues on both sides of my poly family. But I don’t really want to talk about that stuff here. So, what shall I talk about? I could rant about the Continue reading Rant Ranty Rant
Gratititude Day 26
Gratitude Day 25
Gratitude Catch Up
When your world falls apart, some things get left undone. I am grateful for: 1) Honesty, even when it is hard 2) Strength, even when I have to borrow it, and especially from those that let me 3) Tears, even Continue reading Gratitude Catch Up