I Hate Stingy

It’s a love-hate relationship, really. I’m a thuddy gal. I want deep impact. I want to feel it through my entire body. I want hard pressure. Strong grips. Rope winding tight about me. Teeth sinking deep into my flesh. But I also like the endorphins and adrenaline that come with sudden sharpness. I love the gleam in His eyes when His whip comes out. The chuckle as I swear at the swat of a stingy implement. The accomplishment of enduring. And I do love marks. Stingy things do leave such pretty marks. This weekend He gave me both.

It was a weekend to learn about whips, along with two play parties. We had an intro whip class and demo before the first party, and then spent all day Saturday in a Whip Intensive, both taught by an extraordinary teacher and her slave who came out of retirement just to share their knowledge. Both were very hands on. The demo on Friday allowing a large number of attendees to experience what it was like to feel a whip strike at an agreed upon intensity. The intensive giving everyone a chance to swing whips in a variety of ways, including various competitions, and not just against objects, but against the backs of willing bottoms, even if they did not have a partner with them.

The intensive was one of the best, if not The Best, I’ve ever attended. They encouraged everyone in attendance to give whip throwing a try, offering loaner whips to even the most hesitant note-takers. Teaching us all the way from the basics of what a whip is made of, to how to buy one, take care of it, and when to replace it. The showed various methods of throwing the whip, and gave plenty of time to practice. We all learned, tops and bottoms, the difference between hitting with just the fluff at the end of the whip, to the knots and falls being involved. I even got to experience some whipping from the teacher Herself, don’t ask me what she was saying to the crowd in those moments, I have no idea. I just know she enjoyed both my pain tolerance and sound reactivity. Competitions included loudest crack, wrapping the whip around arms/fingers/skewers/a toothpick (He won this one), and popping balloons. At one point the floor was covered in tissue and paper towels as people practiced accuracy. The day of learning ended with a bit of a dance as two bottoms stood taking gentle shots from and twirling around with lines of whip throwers, one after another to I’d Do Anything For Love.

The first party was packed with folks enjoying our monthly party. The second was quieter, but much the attendees spent time outside with the day’s presenter. Relaxing after a long day of whip throwing. I did get to play with Him both nights. The first, we did a quick chest harness and then a bent over a bondage table spanking. It was quite delightful, despite my protests at the sting of the horse cock. The second night, part way through the evening, He tossed me up to the new ladder, since no one was practicing whips. Then proceeded to pound my back with His own hands, sending me to tears fairly quickly after a very long, busy, and emotional weekend. It was exactly what I needed.
