Merry Christmas!

By next post, the year will be over. I hope you had a good one. In my time-keeping, I dubbed this the Year of Change. People moving, getting new jobs, people passing, babies born, houses bought, classes taken. There have been some Serious Discussions, and quite a lot of flirting, and some forward progress made. I have played far too much World of Warcraft, but also read quite a lot more books this year than last, even discovering a good handful of new authors. I’ve just started Kushiel’s Dart, and it looks intriguing so far.

I even made him proud of me at the recent self-suspension class – hardly anyone there had ever seen me tie a rope before, and a couple asked him if I was a rigger, when just as the hands-on part began, I was the first one ready to put myself up. He and I had been practicing a particular knot lately, so I was using that for my ties. The suspension being taught was just three single column ties, and each separately up to the ring. Not terribly comfortable, depending on where you put the torso tie, but that’s why the teacher suggested a corset. Interesting possibilities and a whole lot of flexibility with that tie, just have to make it work for your own body.

Stray thoughts floating around my head tonight – monsters, nuzzles, and busy times ahead.

We talked a bit about his monster this week, how long it had been since I’ve seen it, what it looked like, that I miss it, but it’s safer this way. I don’t always want to be safe, though, it’s a hard line to walk. ย And an odd Christmas Eve discussion. Still processing.

Nuzzles are nice. I sent out bonfire envy and got back nuzzles in return, I’m such a sucker for written words, made me happy murmur even without the actual nuzzles.

We had Fet Night last week, we’ve got Porters Friday, Fet night next week, and then DeCon in a couple more weeks. Also hoping to start sorting out visits to the north soon.

2015 is going to be a great year of moving forward and upward. ๐Ÿ™‚


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