Best Laid Plans

Well, that didn’t work out at all like I hoped. A month off from classes, and I only posted, what, Twice? To be fair, I spent one weekend at a convention, and one weekend camping with hardly any cell service, let alone wifi. But, I did have a lot of ideas, I was just so busy getting ready for these things, and then exhausted after these things, that it didn’t leave much time for blogging. Sorry about that. Summer holds my last two Masters degree classes, and just for fun, I’ve added a free basic Python class, too. Then my internship this fall – if I can get someone to take me on. When, not if. I will get that sorted out, soon. Then, on to bigger and better things.

But what about here, in kink-land?  Well, it seems to be all rope all the time. Regularly attending two monthly rope groups, and participating in two rope intensives this summer. With bits of crew thrown in the mix at least twice a month, as usual, for a bit of non-rope spice.

How’s the poly world going? He and I are doing well, making quality time where we can find it, reconnecting and having fun. And the new possibility is moving along at a slow and steady pace. Finding connection and communication as we can. Trying to not jump too fast, so everyone stays on the same page.

What else is going on? Having various discussions about poly, primals, and processing. Remembering, using, and sharing tools. Acknowledging the false stories of the IBSC, and then acknowledging the truth.  People are messy, but as long as you accept their messiness, you can work together, love together, and live together.

